What a wonderful time we had yesterday at our Father’s Day Brunch!
A BIG thank you to everyone who helped in every way! You made it
such a wonderful time of fellowship for all of us!
As my mother-in-law said…
“This has been just amazing to see! Look at all of these people, how
they are serving, and how everyone is so happy! Look at all of these
young people, we’ve never seen so many young folks in church…
and look they are smiling & they actually enjoy being in church!
Everyone is so nice & welcoming… and I feel goose bumps by just
being here!”
What a testimony to our church family!
The food was awesome (what great cooks we have!), the poem, the
special song, the cute video, all the way down to the baby photo
guessing game! What a great time we had!
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
–> Camden Campus This Wed @7pm – YEAH!
After the few weeks of not being able to have our Camden Campus
meetings due to school events, we are all excited to get back
to our worship time together at the Camden Campus! Come out –
fill up your car with friends, and enjoy the presence of the Lord
** Breaking News **
July the 15th at the Camden Campus…
We will be having a “Special Guest”! His name is Landon Spradlin.

Some of you might remember Landon coming to Rome many years
ago & working with us at our tent meetings over at Pinti Field in
Landon is radical for Jesus & loves to share his testimony of God’s
grace through his song and electric “bluesy” guitar!
Mark your calendars, because you wont want to miss it!
–> Ladies Bible Study
As we do each summer, ladies bible study will be on hiatus
until September. A big “Thank You” goes out to Sister Lois who
makes each week a wonderful study of God’s word, as well as all
of our ladies who offer the hospitality of their homes as a place
of prayer & fellowship!
–> Financial Peace University
We have ended a great series on all things financial with Dave
Ramsey & hosted by Scott & Jaime Duck. Last week we were
able to have our final class, graduation for those who finished
the course, and our PARTY! I think you can ask anyone who
took the class & they will tell you… it was VERY enlightening!
Many wanted to start the class over right then, instead of
waiting till the fall session 😉 If you were not able to take the
class this semester, you might want to think about it when
it starts again in the fall.